Friday, August 22, 2008


This is a story i been told long time ago, by who? when? where? is not important, because the content is much more important than my rubbish talk..^^


一頓歷時89分鐘,價值274元的晚餐。一對男女戀人步出餐廳。 男的吃這頓飯吃得好辛苦,因他85分鐘都用了來想著公司的那份計劃書該怎樣做, 幸好女的一點也不發覺他心不在焉。 女的對男的說:「現在不算太晚,你不用送我了,我自己回家吧。」明天就要交計劃書的男友,'立刻'答: 「好呀!那你小心點了,回家致電給我 吧。再見。」 男的飛快回家,去埋首他的工作,他不停的做直致電話響起。他看看鐘原來已經半夜三 時許,是誰這麼夜來電' 他接過電話, 原來是他的未來外母: 「我女兒現在還沒回家,你不 是和她去了吃飯嗎'她怎樣了,我好怕......」男的才記起女的說回到家後會致電他報 平安, 但現在已經夜半二、三時她為什麼還不回家。男的心亂如麻,最後還是報警求助 。 去到警局,警員問他: [ 她失蹤時的衣著是'」男的:「這...她......想不起來...」 警員:「不打緊,你先放鬆一下,那衣服的顏色總會記得吧'藍色' 紅色'」 男的:「我...我只想著份計劃書,吃飯也低下頭...我不曾看過她的...」警員:「她的髮型呢'長髮'短髮'」 男的:「我跟她一起很多年了...我所以...怎麼她的東西我一點也想不起...」 警員:「你說她是你女友,你們最近很少見面嗎'怎會連髮型也不知道,那她有帶 首飾 , 手袋嗎'」 男的也是無言以對。 離開警局,男的覺得很驚訝,驚訝他對女友的'不上心'。多年來他已把愛情的感覺當成 一種 習慣,就連對他的女友也'習以為常', 已經不把她放在心上了。已過了三天,女的還是音訊全無,這三天男的除了擔心女友的安危, 就是不停的想:「她的髮型、她的衣著,我怎會不知道的!我一定要記起來!」 這夜,男的經過一條幽黑、灰暗的長街,竟看見女的就站在長街的盡頭。男的高興得跑向她,想緊緊的擁抱她。但走到女友的面前他就改變了主意,他雙手按著女友 的肩膊,說: 「等一下,先不要動。讓我看清楚你,你的頭髮、你的衣著,我要好好的記著。 回想起那晚,其實是你發現我還有工作在身,想我早點回家工作而叫我不用送你的。 一直以來只有你還關心我的感受,而我卻不理會你。 但不要緊,我已知道應怎樣去愛你、珍惜你。 相信 我,你的一切一切今後都會常在我心中的。」 女的:「你終於都懂得理會我的感受,懂得珍惜我了...可惜已經太遲......」 男的忽然醒過來,原來剛才的是一場夢。 夢醒後男的努力去想,夢中女友的衣著、髮型,但還是記不起來..... 隔天,男的終於再見到他的女友,就是在警員帶他到殮房認屍的時候...... 望著躺在停屍間的女友,男的哭著說: 「我終於知道你的髮型,衣著,我現在才 真正的看真你。我會記著的,永遠都會記著的... 我剛想到要珍惜你...你醒醒呀...不要就這樣離開我好嗎......」 男的剛學會珍惜, 卻已後悔莫及。現在他除了哭泣,就什麼都做不了...... 也許你常發現我一直凝望著你!你問我看什麼呢? 我笑笑的回答....沒什麼 ,只是想將你的一切記在心裏 ,在見不到你時細細回味..........


TO all lovely couple, 'love' is cost time, money, it brings laugh, tear,
but it is so so hard to meet someone that really you love and loving you...^^

grab tight....

wish all happy..^^

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hey hey, he (Lee Chong Wei) is the oni survivor of the Malaysia in olympic game eh!!!!

Do u noe, in the past few days, 'Malaysia' cant be found in the list of medal tally, but i m sure this will be changed after tmr, because today he wil be challenging the world num one, Lin Dan, in the final, so either a silver or gold medal will be brought home by him..^^

So, wut we can do?

we not at Beijing for certain,

coz the ticket too expensive lah,


we can watch it at mamak or at home,

with bunches of frens, or with family or most pity watch alone,


we having the same aim,

hope tat he will bring bk the gold medal, haha..^^

let shout aloud,

Chong Wei BOLEH!!!!!

p.s : i trust him because he is oso member of Lee, haha.^^

Thursday, August 7, 2008

5 minute before 8/8/08

Did I wore the wrong colour underwear? wrong shirt? wrong pant?
What got wrong actually????

I went to school as usual, heavy rain today,
traffic jam at the opposite road, thinking whether MEG1 plan will be affected onot...

Attended the numerical lecture as usual,
my friends shout my name inside the lecture hall as usual,
(oredi get usual to all of this....)

UNUSUAL happen.....

the lecturer responsed to it...

"kwok seng, who is kwok seng?...bla bla...ok, now the famous one in class, u try to answer it, is very easy...bla bla..."

Still haven get noe of the atmosphere, so blur,
i shaked my head hardly...

"ok, later give me his id, i wil mark his test paper strictly....bla bla..
kwok seng, tmr please give us the answer, we depending on you"

Oh gosh, sweat......

so embarrassing.....

Finally we have half and hour break, move to tutorial class....

Sumthing unhappy happened at tat time, anyway, is not a big deal, passed.
Just forget bout my rudeness if i really hurt sumone concern....

the tutor come in, again, fren shout my name again.....


"You know kwok seng is my ex boss name, this name is very common in chinese name"

Oh shit!!!
Why 'Kwok Seng' again?

"so nxt time when i got some question , the 1st name gonna to appear in my mind will be kwok seng"

Walaueh, wut is happening oh, i did nothing eh.....

A moment please: do u all think i m so so noisy in the class?
the answer is no, i m not, jz my fren like to shout my name for no reason, SOB...

After class we did move on with our plan,
but it took 2 hours to reach the destination, still raining,
after dinner, the photo session,
balik rumah at last,
the rain still haven stop....

Before I end...

*Please, i just want a simple and peaceful life at school, no need to draw so much attention!!!!*

No more KWOK SENG LA~~~~~